Discover GPT-4V: The Future of Multimodal AI is Here

Estimated read time 7 min read

One of the most anticipated features of ChatGPT is finally here, as you already know. After the introduction of Open’s AI chatbot, we were introduced to a remarkable intellect named GPT-4V, and its announcement in March left everyone in awe. It’s not just about its improved intelligence but its incredible capabilities, especially in multimodality. Multimodality, in this context, means that this artificial intelligence isn’t restricted to working solely with text. GPT-4V shattered those limits when it showed us examples like these. It’s a game-changer.

Before, with GPT-4, it could take input in the form of images, which it could then visualize, comprehend, analyze, and through its text generation capabilities, reason and solve intelligent tasks. It’s nothing short of remarkable. This happened in March, but it’s only been a few weeks since Open AI started enabling this functionality for many GPT-4 Plus users. If you check out the regular GPT-4 version now, you’ll notice this new functionality, allowing you to include images as part of your interactions. For instance, you can insert an image and ask GPT-4V to provide a detailed description of all the elements within it.

GPT-4V, a paradigm shift in the world of computer vision, opens doors to possibilities we can only begin to fathom.

And then, you can even ask it to compose a poem. You hit send, and within seconds, magic happens. The image displays a man standing with a serene facial expression. He sports a well-groomed beard, a bald head, and confident eyes. He’s dressed in a light green shirt with long sleeves, neatly folded at the elbows. The shirt is buttoned and has a simple design. His arms are crossed over his chest, against a backdrop of bluish-gray tones, highlighting the man’s figure perfectly. It’s an exquisite description, especially the well-groomed beard, and this is all thanks to Chat GPT, an AI whose strength lies in using language to tackle complex tasks. Now, it can even compose poems like this serene portrayal against a backdrop of soft blue.

The GPT-4 vision model, also known as GPT-4V, marks a paradigm shift in the world of computer vision. Just as Chat GPT brought a wealth of possibilities, this new addition opens up realms we may not fully grasp yet. That’s why I’m making this video today. Microsoft, which had early access to this model, has already documented its capabilities in a paper titled “The Dawn of LMMs.” LMM, not LLM, may sound like a tongue-twister, but it’s important to understand that Large Language Models (LLMs) include the models we’ve seen before, such as GPT-3 and GPT-4. Now, we’re entering the era of LMMs, or Large Multimodal Models, as we discussed in a post about the future of artificial intelligence. We’re not far from a future where these digital behemoths can process, analyze, and reason with various types of data, including images, text, audio, and 3D, all at once.

With GPT-4V’s ability to understand and analyze multiple types of data, we’re on the cusp of a future where AI processes text, images, audio, and 3D simultaneously.

Microsoft focuses on these massive multimodal models in this paper, particularly GPT-4V, a model that combines text and images. It provides numerous fascinating examples of what this new AI can do. I’ve gone through all 166 pages of this article, analyzed it, and condensed it for you in this GPT-4 Vision Model review. With GPT-4, you can now work with both text and images within the same AI, allowing you to upload images and ask questions like, “What’s the relationship between these two images?” GPT-4 then independently analyzes each image and understands the text to address your query. It can even handle complex tasks where context is distributed across multiple images. For example, if you need to know how much you should pay for a beer on the table based on the menu price, you can provide images of your table and menu, and GPT-4 can calculate it. This flow of information from the images is a testament to GPT-4’s visual understanding capabilities.

Moreover, GPT-4V can detect text within images without the need for powerful OCR algorithms. It can interpret text, even when it’s not perfectly centered or has challenging fonts. For example, it can identify text like “COVID-19 testing, please have your ID and insurance card ready.” It’s a game-changer in visual information processing. You can also annotate your images to guide GPT-4V to the relevant information. This example from OpenAI shows how GPT-4V can understand these annotations and use them to find specific information.

Imagine capturing an image of an exotic dish in a foreign land, and GPT-4V instantly providing a detailed description, enriching your travel experience.

These capabilities have endless potential. For instance, you can take a picture of a delicious but unfamiliar dish while traveling and have GPT-4V describe it in detail, providing insights about its ingredients and origins. You can even snap a photo of your refrigerator and ask what ingredients you’re missing, creating a shopping list. Or, you could photograph a shelf full of sauces and ask GPT-4V to identify a particular one. The possibilities are vast.

GPT-4V’s ability to recognize and understand symbols and logos is also remarkable. It can identify logos like Starbucks, Nike, or Windows Copilot, just like we do. And it can even recognize famous places, providing detailed descriptions of locations such as Times Square.

This is a powerful tool in the world of computer vision, and I’m excited about the future possibilities. Imagine traveling, taking a photo, and asking your AI to explain the fascinating details of what you’re seeing. It’s a level of understanding that GPT-4V has, and it’s truly impressive.

These capabilities are mind-blowing, and it’s important to note that GPT-4V combines this visual prowess with the linguistic capabilities of Chat GPT. The synergy between these two aspects opens up a world of possibilities. You could take a photo of a meal and ask for a detailed list of ingredients for cooking it. Then, take a picture of your fridge and ask what you need to buy from the supermarket. You can even snap a photo of a shelf full of sauces and have GPT-4V locate the one you’re looking for. It’s a powerful tool.

In a world where information is often visual, GPT-4V bridges the gap between what we see and what we understand, making AI a powerful ally in our daily lives.

Another interesting aspect is GPT-4V’s ability to detect text in images without the need for complex OCR algorithms. It can read text even if it’s not perfectly centered or in challenging fonts. For example, it can recognize text like “COVID-19 testing, please have your ID and insurance card ready.” This is a game-changer in visual data processing.

Additionally, GPT-4V can recognize symbols and logos, making it adept at identifying well-known brands. It can even identify famous locations and provide detailed descriptions.

These capabilities represent a significant leap forward in the field of computer vision, and it’s truly exciting to imagine the possibilities that lie ahead. As we move toward a future where these digital giants can process, analyze, and reason with multiple types of data, GPT-4V stands as a powerful tool that blends vision and language, promising a wealth of applications.

So, as you can see, GPT-4V is a remarkable addition to the world of AI, and it’s thrilling to explore the potential it offers for tasks that bridge text and images. This is just the beginning of a new era in artificial intelligence, and the possibilities are endless.

Stay tuned for more exciting developments with GPT-4

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